
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Civil Society Forum


Civil Society CRPD Forum – Ahead of the 11th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

11 Jun 2018 –  The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is a human rights treaty adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2006. The CRPD is a legally-binding agreement between Member States who have signed the Convention to uphold, promote and protect the rights of persons with disabilities as defined in the treaty.
Throughout the negotiation process and adoption of the CRPD, persons with disabilities and their representative organizations have maintained the call of “Nothing About Us, Without Us”. This is articulated in Article 4.3 of the Convention, which states that: _“_In the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the present Convention, and in other decision-making processes concerning issues relating to persons with disabilities, States Parties shall closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations”.
A Conference of States Parties to the CRPD must include the voices of persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in order to meet the standard and commitments laid out in the CRPD.


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